A special Mix groundbait. A combination of various mixes that can attract all species of fish into the swim
If your not sure what’s in your swim then this mix maybe the answer.
A combination of all the Goldmedal formulars into One Bag. That can attract all types of fish into the swim

Available in 1kg Paper Eco Friendly Bags
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This mix has a combination of all the different ingredients in the Goldmedal range, all into one bag. as most of the Goldmedal range has a specific attractor for each species of fish. This mix has a combination that appeals to all types of fish.
Using High Protien based Crumbs & Biscuit with bloodworm, Fishmeal, Corn, Maize, and Leam
including coconut and aniseed. This mix can draw and keep in the swim all types of fishMixing: Add small amounts of water to the groundbait until you geta soft mix that holds together when squeezed. Add some bait to the mix and make up small golf size balls, ready to add into your swim As an Angler I know the cost of packaging can be costly and adds to the cost greatly Therefore All groundbait comes in basic packaging to help keep the cost down giving the Angler real Value for Money
Comes in Packs of 5 x 1Kg Bags
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