An ideal mix for Bream, Skimmers, Tench, Roach and Carp A special mixture of fishmeal a fish laxative to bring the fish back into the swim. Add water to the groundbait and mix then sieve off larger particles. Used for balling in or small Golf ball size nuggets into the swim

This Special Laxative mix was a secret blend given to me from the Dutch Anglers who specialise in Bream fishing. Knowing that bream will graze like cattle over a bed of groundbait they have a tendency to eat the groundbait offerings therefore filling their stomach and taking their time to come back into the baited area. Most anglers have experienced the Bream move out very quickly from the swim however using this laxative mix the fish come back sooner. Mixed with favourite sweet fishmeal, salt and laxative this groundbait is one of my favourite bream mixes, try it yourself and see…

Mixing: Add water to the groundbait and mix with palm of the hand or mixing drill. Then sieve off larger particles. Add small amounts of bait. Making balls up with wet hands or rubber gloves for balling in.
Or small Golf ball size nuggets for cupping into the swim
As an Angler I know the cost of packaging can be costly and adds to the cost greatly Therefore
Comes in Packs of 5 x 1Kg Bags
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