A special sweet and sour mix of aromatic flavours that attract all species of fish. Mix with the special Molasses sachet that is included within the bag. This is a very old secret ingredient and favourite among the top Continental anglers, now available through Gold Medal Groundbaits.

This special groundbait was an accumulation of secret blends given to me from the French anglers whilst fishing in Nantes. The mix includes a variety of mixed spices and a sweet liquid molasses that attract all species of fish. The secret is the sweet and bitter flavour that attracts all species of fish into the swim. I used this mix when I won the first day event in the World Championships in 1986 on the river Rhine on the French border catching 17lb of skimmers and will use this mix when there are a variety of species in the swim. The flavour of turmeric bounce out and when mixed with the sweet molasses that’s included in the bag this mix is irresistible

Mixing: Mix the sachet of molasses included in the bag then into your mixing bowl and add a small amount of water. Add the continental mix until the groundbait absorbs the liquid. Mix lightly then riddle into a bowl, aerating the groundbait ready for making into balls.
Comes in Packs of 5 x 1Kg Bags
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