Special sweet Chub Mix with secret active ingredients including wasp grub Honey.
A very special sweet Groundbait.

This Groundbait mix has two special main ingredients that make this irresistible to Chub. It has been a known fact that wasp grub has always been a special bait for chub and this mixture contains the Honey from the nest and combined with special flakes that when introduced into the swim breakaway and float down the swim attracting the fish from downstream up to your baited hook. Used either with Bread on the hook or Maggots or Casters this groundbait is recommended highly by myself and have accounted for huge bags of chub including The Lower Wye Championships, Wye Championship and Wye Charity successes….

Mixing: Add small amounts of water to the Special chub mix using the palm of your hand until the mix is stiff enough to make into balls and then catapult or throw into the swim. The active ingredients within the mix will quickly breakup and release particles that will attract fish into your swim
Comes in Packs of 5 x 1Kg Bags
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